Please Donate generously in support of our ongoing Projects.....
It is in this spirit that we are asking you all to help us continue this great legacy of preparing
current students and teachers to make their contribution in the future. SJSS recently completed
a brand-new building housing additional classroom, staff room, computer lab and library. We
need to quickly furnish these facilities so that current students can access them to enhance their
We are appealing to you to consider making a donation towards this worthy venture. Please
reach us at [email protected] if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for your
contribution because together we can make a huge difference in the lives of these students,
empower them and break the cycle of illiteracy and poverty. This donation page makes it easier
to join us in doing so. Please consider supporting us so that we will continue to make a
difference in the education system back home, specifically in the lives of SJSS students and
We thank you from our hearts for all you have done and continue to do…together we can.